(800) 973-4579 ext 801 barelynadia@yahoo.com

My step brother’s cock is the only thing I’ve been having on my mind this past week.  Ever since I saw his mature cock poking out of his boxers, I’ve been wanting to feel it inside me.  Of course I can’t let daddy know what I’ve been thinking because he would get jealous, but then again it’s none of his business.  I like being sneaky.

I’m not sure yet if he’d be into it, but I’ve been dreaming of having my step brother’s cock inside of me.  I imagine him parting my legs and giving me every inch of his hard cock.  I want him to split me in two.  His girlfriend is lucky.  She gets to experience it in real life while I can only imagine how it would feel.  I just might push his limits and put my step brother in a position where he can’t say no to me or my barely legal pussy.

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