(800) 973-4579 ext 801 barelynadia@yahoo.com

My daddy said that every man loves extreme fantasy phone sex.  He always tells me that men like to have no limits with how they express themselves sexually. I’m here to offer my holes for you to explore no matter how twisted the fantasy.  My daddy has a new friend who he’s having me train to fuck the way he likes.  I’ve trained her how to suck daddy’s cock very well so I know he won’t have any complaints out of her.  She’s so young and tender.  She reminds me of how I was when I first learned how to take cock.

I’m not new to fulfilling fantasies.  My little tight cunt always makes men bust.  There is nothing too kinky for me.  I want you to tell me your filthiest secrets and not hold back!  I want to help you nut to accomplice fantasies with me and my young neighbor.  Maybe we can lock her up and have fun torturing her?  I have so many naughty thoughts running in my mind.

I’m available 7 days a week from 7am est – 11pm est. Call me at 800-587-3275 for $2/minute with a 10 minute minimum.

What fantasy do you want to act out with me first?

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